Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Body

Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Body

Many of us spend most of our time in our heads. We use our minds at work, planning family life, keeping updated with the rest of the world. In so doing we become more and more like the drawings we made as we were young, with a big head and a tiny body. However, to be able to handle constant change we need to give our minds a rest and time to recuperate. Often brilliant ideas tend to pop-up in our head when we cook dinner, take a walk or do a work-out for example.

So how do you take a break when your head is spinning? One very easy tool that can be used at all times and places is to take three deep breaths and then register:

·      3 things that you can see (a window, someone’s face, the tip of a pen, a cloud)

·      3 sounds (your breathing, cars, the printer, children, leaves rattling in the wind)

·      3 things that you feel (cold hands, an itch, the sun on your skin, the fit of your shoes)

·      3 things that you can smell (autumn, perfume, food)

It is important not to value your discoveries as good or bad. Just observe and focus on using all your senses to get out of your head and into your body. 

What is change - and why you should learn to like it

What is change - and why you should learn to like it